Asking about longevity

Chapter 357 Completion

After the formation hub is drawn, it is necessary to use the formation hub as the center and extend the lines in the formation hub to all corners of the large formation, connecting thousands of single formations.

These single formations are all five-element formations, with the lowest grade being six formation patterns and the highest grade being nine patterns.

There are too many formations. No matter how fast you draw the ink-painting formations, it is impossible to draw so many formations by yourself within two months.

So there must be help from other formation masters.

Mo Hua is the main formation master. What he has to do is, first, the overall design and planning of a single formation, which type of formation to use where, how many pairs are needed, and how to coordinate and control with the formation hub.

The other is a single-array compatibility inspection. Some formation layouts may seem fine, but when the spiritual power is actually used, they tend to conflict with each other.

In this case, the main formation division needs to adjust and modify.

Mo Hua handed the overall planning formation map to Master Luo and asked him to help assign tasks to specific formation masters.

Mo Hua is young and gives orders directly. The formation masters below may not be convinced, and even if he doesn't say anything, he certainly doesn't feel good in his heart.

Master Luo is a veritable first-level formation master with a reputation for prestige, so this matter is best left to him.

The first thing Mo Hua has to do is to fill the single array, check the compatibility of the single array, and adjust the flow of spiritual power between the single array and the array hub.

Another thing is the formation pivot calculation.

The center of the formation was extremely complicated, and he had to hurry up to calculate it thoroughly.

In this way, if something unexpected happens, the first-level five-element demon-slaying formation cannot kill Feng Xi. He can also try to use the formation to disintegrate and destroy the big demon to avoid future troubles.

This is a cover-up method and should not be used unless absolutely necessary, but it must be prepared in advance.

Slaying demons with a large formation is not his business alone, it is related to the stability of the entire Tongxian City, and even the entire Black Mountain State border, for hundreds or even thousands of years in the future.

So you have to think carefully.

Ink painting is just like this. During the day, while drawing formations, I check the formations drawn by other formation masters. At the same time, I debug and modify the entire formation based on the compatibility of the formations and the flow of formation power.

While others were resting at night, he would sink his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness and use the Dao stele to calculate the trajectory of the central spiritual power of the Five Elements Demon Slaying Formation.

As he calculated the battle pivot, his understanding of the formation became clearer and clearer, and he became much more comfortable debugging the formation during the day.

Master Luo has also been busy drawing formations these days.

The formation contained a large number of individual formations, and time was tight. He had to spare no effort to complete the planned formation tasks on time.

And when he finished drawing the formation, the ink painting had to be "checked" as usual.

At this time, Master Luo would be extremely nervous.

In a daze, he seemed to recall the uneasiness and anxiety he felt when he first learned the formation and was still an apprentice in the formation. After finishing the formation homework and handing it in, he felt uneasy and anxious while waiting for his teacher's review.

Mo Hua was like that teacher, and when he turned around, he became an apprentice again, asking Mo Hua to review his homework.

Ink paintings are "marked" very quickly.

If you read it from beginning to end, it means that the formation is drawn correctly, and Master Luo will feel relieved;

If the ink painting paused somewhere, Master Luo would feel nervous;

And if Mo Hua suddenly frowned while looking at it, Master Luo's heart would instantly tremble, and his palms would even break out in cold sweat.

Although he kept warning himself in his heart:

He is already a first-level formation master and is no longer the apprentice he was back then.

And even if Mo Hua is very good at drawing formations, he is still just a young formation master in his teens, and has not been approved by the Taoist court. There is no need to be nervous, let alone uneasy...

But he still couldn't help but feel a little worried, fearing that Mo Hua could really find out his faults.

He dismissed other formation masters' mistakes.

Because other formation masters are not as good as him, even if they make mistakes, it may not mean that he is wrong.

But ink painting is different. If he makes a mistake, without exception, it must be that he is really wrong...

Master Luo sighed and couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"We are all first-grade formation masters, why is there such a big gap..."

Before meeting Mo Hua, he had always thought that all first-level formation masters were pretty much the same, and even if their levels were very different, they wouldn't be that different.

Only now did he realize that the level of the formation master was like a pool of water on the surface.

But some people are like pool water, and some people are like sea water - unfathomable sea water that cannot be seen to the bottom.

Master Luo's evaluation of ink painting is even higher.

But he vaguely felt that something was wrong, as if he had misjudged something.

So he began to secretly look at the ink paintings.

Mo Hua can also draw formations with his strokes. Some of the single formations were drawn by Mo Hua himself.

The little hands as white as an apprentice hold the pen, but what they draw is a master-level formation with strict brushwork and mastery.

Moreover, he can draw extremely fast with ink, and his strokes are smooth and flowing.

Those lines seem to come out of the brush of ink painting, with their own rules and patterns.

Master Luo looked at it in amazement.

This state is absolutely impossible to achieve without a lot of formation practice.

But it shouldn’t be...

Mo Hua is so young, even if he spends all his time sleeping, it is impossible to practice so skillfully.

Master Luo was puzzled and continued to look at the ink paintings.

Then he discovered a surprising fact:

All the control of the large formations is done by Mo Hua alone, and all the compatibility of the single formations is controlled by him alone.

Even once there was an error on the formation hub, Mo Hua painted it over himself and revised it again.

Thinking of the graffiti-like marks on the formation hub, Master Luo suddenly realized:

There was no expert to write for Mo Hua. The entire formation hub was drawn by Mo Hua himself. The entire formation was controlled by him alone!

Master Luo looked at the ink painting with red lips and white teeth, and a chill rushed to the sky.

What kind of little monster is this? He can actually control the construction of an entire first-grade formation by himself!

Master Luo stood stunned on the spot, with a look of disbelief on his face.

This is a real, thirteen-year-old main formation master!

I had made a mistake before and guessed everything wrong...

With such an incredible level of formation, why does it need to be gilded?

In the eyes of Master Luo, the ink painting at this time is made entirely of pure gold, and the whole body exudes dazzling golden light...

This is a genuine first-grade formation master...

Master Luo's heart was filled with turmoil.

Since then, Master Luo's attitude towards Mo Hua has become more humble. Even when talking to Mo Hua, he has to bow slightly.

Mo Hua felt strange and thought Master Luo was tired and confused...

Master Luo is also more attentive to the construction of the formation.

Some of the old formation masters were old-fashioned and careless in drawing formations and made mistakes many times. Before Mo Hua could say anything, Master Luo scolded them bloody.

This surprised the other formation masters.

Master Luo is not like this on weekdays. He is always polite and adaptable. Even if he is angry, he will not curse others out of control.

Now he seems to be a different person.

Master Luo knew that it was really possible to build a large formation with ink paintings!

And in this big formation, there is a formation he drew.

Not only did he want to witness the completion of the formation he participated in, but he also wanted to witness the birth of Mo Hua, the thirteen-year-old main formation master!

This may be his most glorious achievement in his life as an array master.

Not only for him, but for all the formation masters present, this is a lifetime honor.

Seeing that Master Luo was so serious, other formation masters also corrected their minds and devoted themselves to the construction of the formation.

The monks worked together to advance the construction of the formation bit by bit amidst the busyness, boredom and fatigue.

Although Commander Yang and his Taoist soldiers repeatedly harassed and delayed the progress of Feng Xi's refining, the blood energy condensed on the Dahei Mountain was gradually increasing.

At the same time, on the old site of Heishanzhai, the outline of the formation gradually emerged and was implemented step by step.

The shape is round on the outside and square on the inside, conforming to the round sky and the square place.

There are ravines and formations inside, forming a dense maze of formations.

The entire formation is magnificent and chilling.

All the monks who participated in the construction were awe-inspiring, and their expressions were in a trance for a moment:

They are really building a large formation, and maybe... they can build a large formation!

Then came dozens of days and nights of hard construction.

Countless monks poured out their sweat and contributed as much as they could, and finally the formation was initially built.

After the preliminary construction, all that remains is the inspection of the formation.

Mo Hua checked all the formations again, channeled his spiritual power for the first time, tested the effect of the spiritual power in the formations, and carefully checked with Master Luo for several days to eliminate many hidden dangers in the formations...

After doing this, Mo Hua nodded lightly.

He nodded, which meant that there was no problem with the operation of the formation.

All the monks standing behind Mo Hua felt their hearts drop, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the formation was built!

In the twenty-fifth year of the Taoist calendar, it is October 23rd.

It took two months and five days to mobilize the entire city's manpower and material resources.

Deep in the mountains of Daheishan, the first-grade five-element demon-slaying formation is officially completed!

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