Arcane Lord

Chapter 552 Simplified Strategy for Changing Substitutions

[Plane of Annihilation]?

Archmage Greta did not tell Shado the specific name of that subplane, but Shado recalled that during those five days in the subplane, he once threw some food in the dimensional bag outside the sacred residence.

It is almost visible to the naked eye, whether it is steamed buns, bread, or dried bacon, once it comes into contact with the outside environment, it will quickly weather and disintegrate, and eventually become a trace of floating dust, falling silently.

The name [Plane of Annihilation] is quite vivid!

"What is the [Plane of Annihilation] you are talking about?" Sha Duo asked.

"The [Plane of Annihilation] is a secondary plane! I have seen some descriptions of the [Plane of Annihilation] in the library. It is said that the flow of time there is faster than the main plane. Is this true?"

Niya's eyes were full of curiosity. She had been to more than one sub-plane, but she had never been to the [Annihilation Plane], and there was very little information about the [Annihilation Plane] in the library.

"If what I experienced not long ago was not a fantasy, it should be true." Xia Duo did not finish his words completely, because it is indeed possible to perceive time incorrectly in the illusion, "Last night——

"Well, I always feel it's a bit strange to say this, but for you, it is true that last night, Archmage Greta took me to another dimension. I stayed there for five days and five nights. Maybe that's where you said The [Plane of Annihilation].”

"What's in [Plane of Annihilation]? Why does time flow faster than the main plane?" Niya seemed to be asking Shado, but also seemed to be talking to herself.

At this time, the game on the field has begun, but her mind is no longer on the field.

"I don't know why time flows faster there. As for what's inside, I can answer you!"

"What's there?" Niya asked quickly.

Chateau replied, "Nothing!"

"No way?" Niya's eyes clearly revealed that [81 Chinese website] did not believe it, but Xia Duo really had no reason to lie to her, which made her even more confused, "If there is nothing, you How did you stay there?"

"Well, I'm not saying that accurately. It's more accurate to say that there is nothing but dust and those of us who have passed from the main plane."

Then, Xia Duo told the result of his search for food outside the sacred residence. Now Niya finally understood, "It turns out that [Plane of Annihilation] refers to this!"

As for the reason for Sha Duo's past, it is not difficult for Niya to guess. Just now Sha Duo appeared with the ten participating arcanists, and it is very likely that he was training like before.

In today's first match, player Erlan challenged player Comanso. Just like the previous [Spell Showdown], the situation was serious and this match ended quickly.

Next, the Comanso player challenges the Nese player, which is the highlight.

Sha Duo couldn't help but sit up straight and looked at the field nervously. He didn't know what the effect of the assault training on the elves was, but he had already trained the Nese players very carefully and almost achieved what he could. The ultimate.

According to Netheril's strategy, the person challenged by Cormanthor will challenge the Erlan players in the next game, trying not to let the elves study their own strength.

The corresponding challenge from Cormanso's side is definitely also very demanding. If it cannot be won, then the challenger of Ye Erlan will not be able to win to a large extent.

No matter from which aspect, this game is very crucial.

"Snow Melting Competition [Arcane Puzzle] Game 12, Cormanzo——" Just as the host El Camon announced the appearance, a tall male elf mage walked out from the seat where the Cormanzo elf was.

El Carmon was familiar with the information about all the players, but immediately announced the opponent’s name, “Naris, right——”

After receiving the challenge message from the elf Nareth, Elkamon reported Netheril's name again - "Netheril, Geno!"

Immediately, at the seat where Morien Tower was located, Gino came out in response.

Seeing this result, Chateau couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and explained to Niya, "It seems that Cormanso really wants to win! But what they don't know is that Gino has improved a lot compared to the last game. !”

Gino was the arcanist who replaced Stuart. Based on strategic considerations, he was the one to win the first game of [Arcane Mystery Lock]. He won beautifully, but the elves did not challenge him later.

Perhaps in the eyes of the elves, Gino has been less prepared before and has experienced another competition. They feel that challenging Gino has a greater chance of winning, but Shado knows that Gino is very talented in chess and has played in the ten arcane arts. In the division, his chess ability can be ranked in the first echelon.

If Elf chooses someone else, he might still win, but if he chooses Gino, he basically can't win.

Of course, Shado can't guarantee the specific outcome, but if Gino loses, it means that the elves' one-night assault training effect is too good, and it will be difficult for Netheril to win later.

While explaining the chess moves to Niya, Xia Duo also diverted his attention to taking notes in his pocket space. There was no need to memorize the chess moves, but the spell duel content needed to be recorded.

The center of the arena.

The original half-plane battle space has now become a chessboard space, with unique chess pieces placed on it, and the contestants stand outside the half-plane and direct the chess pieces to fight.

The demiplane chessboard space always overlaps with the main plane. After special processing, contestants can affect the inside of the demiplane from the outside, but any spell effects inside cannot affect the outside world.

At the beginning of the chess game, Gino felt that the elf on the opposite side was very difficult to deal with. There was no way he would change pieces as soon as he came up. Even if he changed pieces, he was still confident that he could beat the opponent.

But the problem is that the opponent seems to have received special training in supporting chess pieces.

In an instant, Gino knew the elf's strategy - try to change the pieces, simplify the chess game, and reduce the impact of chess power; furthermore, strengthen the auxiliary ability and reduce the first attack advantage of the chess pieces.

Once he makes a mistake, the impact of invalidating that move will be greatly increased.

In the audience, Xia Duo also understood the elves' strategy. They admitted that their chess skills were not as good as humans', so they tried to reduce the impact of their chess skills. In other words, the ultimate goal of the elves may not be to win, but to draw.

As long as there is a draw, the Nese player will not have a double win and will not be able to score points.

In items with obvious disadvantages, the elves know that it is difficult for them to score, so they simply don't score, and try to reduce Netheril's points as much as possible. Although they still lose in the end, the loss will not be so ugly.

Finally, El Camon announced the result, "Snow Melting Competition [Arcane Puzzle] Game 12, Gino wins!"

Although we won this game, it was not as exciting as the first day of the game. It was a difficult fight.

The fewer pieces on the board, the clearer the situation, the less room for control over the layout, and the more likely a draw is.

Gino's chess ability is indeed much better than that of the elf named Naris, so he can win, but this is not necessarily the case for others.

The elf has obviously gone through some training in terms of chess skills and has improved a lot than before. In addition, it can also neutralize the opponent's attacks from time to time, which is troublesome!

In the audience, Shado frowned. Netheril's chess power was indeed high, but it was not so high that the opponent could win in several rounds. This was obviously too much faith in the chess piece's first-attack advantage.

Just as Xia Duo was thinking about countermeasures, today's third game began.

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