Arcane Lord

Chapter 42: Standardization, Archmage

   After taking dinner, Xia Duo went back to the dormitory immediately, and while eating, he took out the biography of the Archmage and started to read it. He had read this book several times, and in order to familiarize himself with the color-resistant text, he kept repeating it.

   After all, it’s more interesting to watch the legend of the great mage Dasriel than to watch the proverbs of the Lord of Radiance. Xia Duo can even gain some adventure and combat experience from it, from the perspective of the mage.

   This is not available from Muyan.

  The Mage Tower Library also has biographies of other famous masters, but the time and money spent on borrowing books and transcribing is not enough for Xia Duo to do that. Perhaps only when he really settles down, he has the mind to think about entertainment.

   After eating, Xia Duo immediately put away the biography of the archmage, and instead took out two [Dizziness] notes, one from the apprentice Devine and the other from the apprentice Haren.

   But none of them have obtained the learning scroll. Their understanding of [Dizziness] comes from the person or library who taught them. They can get most of the details of the spell, but they are not as intuitive and detailed as the learning scroll.

   And everyone has different understanding of magic nets, resulting in subtle differences in the structure of spells. If these subtle errors cannot be ruled out, the effects of the spells will also vary, and serious even lead to failure to cast.

   This is not the same as science and technology on the earth. Science and technology can be standardized, but it is difficult for magic to have standardization, because science and technology use foreign objects. As long as the world's rules remain unchanged, standards can be established.

   But magic is closely related to personal thought, cognition, intelligence, soul and other factors. Different people, magic and magic are naturally different.

   However, Chateau always believed that a stable world must have stable rules, and magic must be standardized. However, he is still only an apprentice now, and he is a bit arrogant about the standardization of magic.

   He just remembered this deeply in his heart.


   A comparative study of two notes of [Dizziness], Xia Duo quickly analyzed the basic structure of [Dizziness]. It must be said that the existence of the learning scroll made him very sensitive and familiar with the basic structure of the 0-level spell.

   Once, Xia Duo always had the idea to use up all the learning scroll redemption permissions. He would like to see if he could study several spells at the same time and would progress faster!

   just reason has been chanting to him-in case it's not! You can't chew too much!

   But the speed at which he successfully learned [Communication] today made Xia Duo a little bit swollen. Just studying [Dizziness] made him more confident. There were five spells before and after. Xia Duo found that they were very simple to control the magic net.

  The so-called spellcasting is to entangle, join, bend, coil, and overlap the filaments that make up the magic net to form a spell structure with a specific magic effect.

   After studying five spells, Chateau found that the structure of the 0-ring spell was too simple.

   The structure of the spell like [Lighting] is similar to a sphere with radiation; [Acid Sputtering] is a semi-open fusiform, and other spells are not complicated.

   is broken down into the most basic "actions" for controlling the magic net, and these spells have many repetitions.

   Xia Duo even speculates that spells above level 0 should have similar characteristics. Then, if you study a certain number of level 1 spells, you can learn by analogy and speed up research on other level 1 spells.

   If it is to verify the 0-level spell stage, it can be verified immediately.

   Thinking of this, Chateau had already made a decision and called out: "Taling, request: this moment."

   Taring, who was on call, responded immediately, "Apprentice Chateau, current time: 8:35 pm."

   Time flies so fast? !

   Xia Duo only remembered that after he came back, he started to study [Vertigo Surgery] after eating. Unexpectedly, it was 8:35 in a flash, so he has been studying [Vertigo Surgery] for almost three hours.

   "Taling, request: Is the No. 6 material claim office currently available."

   "Apprentice Xia Duo, the Material Claim Office No. 6 is currently unavailable."

   The news brought by this hollow and mechanical voice made Xia Duo very disappointed, and could only wait for the exchange tomorrow.

   The thoughts in the heart were difficult to calm, and the lights were about to be "turned out" soon, Xia Duo stopped studying spells, but took out "Sacred Proverbs of the Lord of Radiance" and started reading.

   Reading these boring mottos before going to bed helps sleep.


   At the same time, the pre-war meeting hosted by the lord Epps Savill at the town hall on the north side of the central square of Savill town was at a critical moment. The heads and minds of the various forces in the territory looked solemn, and no one dared to speak first.

   Epps was full of anger. Ten years ago, it was because this group of people was too selfish and pulled various hind legs when dealing with the orcs. His father, the lord at the time, was also seriously injured as a result, and died the following year.

   It has been ten years, and I didn't expect that he would experience his father's difficult situation, but this time he would not be as naive as his father.

   "Have you thought about it?"


   Still silent, Epps is even more angry.

   It seems that the lord’s face is not very good, and a rich middle-aged man in a silk elven robe finally speaks:

"Lord Lord, the Chamber of Commerce is only managed by us and does not belong to us. It is really difficult for us to meet your request. As long as Lord Lord does not mention that request, I am personally willing to donate another 1,500 gold coins to Savile to support the orcs. battle."

   There was a beginning, and others also spoke:

   "Yes, Lord Lord, we dare not trespass with the property of the Chamber of Commerce, as long as Lord Lord does not mention that I am willing to donate 1,500 gold coins like the realm."

"me too."

"me too."


   Listening to the messy speeches of these people, Epps suddenly calmed down and touched the staff beside him. Regardless of the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce on the left side of the conference table, he looked at the people on the right hand side of the conference table.

   The closest thing is a middle-aged mage wearing a robe similar to Eps. There are two Philosopher’s Stones floating above his head. Eps asked calmly:

   "His Excellency Olong, Master Guild means—"

   "All members of the Savile Town Mage Union are willing to obey the lord's arrangement."

Epps nodded. He didn't value the members of the wizard guild. Most of the official wizards in the realm have already joined the wizard tower. The rest are just a few low-level wizards. To some extent, these people are not as good as their own wizards. The apprentices of the tower are so good.

   What he really values ​​is the 17th-level archmage Oron in front of him.

   A week ago, the Territory Scouts detected an orc shift. In this sensitive period of ten years, Epps personally went to investigate it.

   After confirming the news that the orc tide was coming, Epps sent a letter of help to the rear of the empire, and then went to find his grandfather's companion to help out. The great arcanist's fellow can naturally not be ordinary people.

   So, there was this archmage from the Austrian Law Federation to come to support, which made Epps' confidence in dealing with this orc crisis greatly increased.

   Looking at the past one by one, Epps saw the representative of the temple, "Bishop Ambriel, the temple?"

   "All follow the lord's arrangement."

   Bishop Ambriel’s words are brief, but full of firm conviction.


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