Arcane Lord

Chapter 3027 Customer information with many doubts

Customer number: 000645

Name: Aimedia

Chamber of Commerce: Ruth Chamber of Commerce

Purchased service type: Stasis Space Warehouse*1

Renewal period: one year and two months (May 840-July 841)


Seeing such a record, Xia Duo suddenly fell into deep thought. Several points in this information touched his sensitive nerves. The first one was the name of the Chamber of Commerce!

Ruth Chamber of Commerce, in the Elvish language, Ruth means flash, and may be seen as an extension of a certain branch of the Illuminati.

If it was just a name issue, Xia Duo wouldn't be so sensitive. After all, there are too many solar elements in the elven world. Although the elves do not believe in the Lord of Radiance, the golden elves call themselves the Sons of the Sun.

The so-called "gold" is more of a deliberate translation by the Nese people, in order to avoid tabooing the Lord of Glory, and at the same time, it also takes care of the appearance of the golden elves. The original meaning of the golden elves in the Elvish language is the sun elves.

Names like flash, light, sun, brilliance, glory, and even corona and sun disk are not too common in the elven world, and can almost all be related to the golden elves.

Moon elves, of course, are related to the moon, but when elves came into contact with humans, the belief in the Lord of Glory had just emerged, and the belief in the moon god had not yet emerged, so naturally there would be no taboos.

In addition, moon elves are also the type of elves that are most in line with human aesthetics. Their skin is as white as the moon. They are called moon elves. In fact, it perfectly matches their original meaning in the elven language.

But now, the light has been tainted by the Illuminati for once, so much so that Shado has become sensitive to any elements related to light and the sun in the elven world.

In addition to the name of the Chamber of Commerce, the renewal period also touched his sensitive period. The first was the purchase renewal period. May of the 840th year of the Nese Calendar. That was when the comprehensive testing of various countries in the Northland began.

It makes perfect sense that the Illuminati decided to take a last-ditch approach at this point.

Of course, if it was just the purchase time, Xia Duo might be preconceived in thinking so, but combined with the purchase time of one year and two months, it would be a big difference.

Who can make complete purchases?

If the average person just wants to give it a try, they can buy it for a month to try it out, and then consider whether to renew it, but this Aimedia from the Flash Chamber of Commerce renewed it for more than a year after the first purchase.

Let’s say he doesn’t trust the Tower of Time Void Warehouse Chamber of Commerce, because he renewed it for so long the first time. Let’s say he does trust it, because he only renewed it for so long.

Neither side makes sense.

More importantly, the time point when the stasis space warehouse ordered by Aimedia expires is July 841 of the Nese calendar, which is July next year.

There is nothing special about this date. If I insist on saying so, it is nothing more than Midsummer Festival at the end of the month. After all, it is in the future. Who can predict the future so accurately now?

It is true that Chateau cannot accurately predict the real future, but what if he only sees a possibility of the future?

He had previously conducted many prophecy rituals in order to deal with the Illuminati. In order to assist in prophecy, he also set up cloud notices in many places in the North. Even so, he could not tell what the future would be like.

But there were a few times when he did see future moire announcements and got clear and specific big events about fog events, intensifying climate anomalies, and so on.

Some have happened, some haven't.

Among them, regarding "July 841 in the Nese calendar", Xia Duo predicted several times that major changes would occur in the Northland at this time point——

The mythical lock in the elven countries collapsed!

Including major powers such as Erlan and Comanso, at least two major powers are behind almost every prediction, and it is not a general mysterious local accident, but a large-scale overall collapse.

Previously, due to changes in reality, the predicted future had changed. Xia Duo thought that nothing would happen in July 841 of the Nese calendar.

But now it seems that it may have been the changes in reality that led to the major changes in "July 841".

Combined with his current speculation that the Illuminati may take a final risk, perhaps the key node in the Illuminati's plan will be next July!

Of course, the premise is that the real Illuminati member of Amedea who orders the stasis space warehouse and stores the excited state magic weapon, or is controlled by the Illuminati.

Now these are just his guesses, there is no 100% evidence. As for the excited state magic weapon, he can only see the level of magic network involved and the rules of operation, but this is useless, it is only partial, and it is difficult to deduce The whole picture.

Just based on the spell requirements represented by this excited state weapon, Sha Duo himself can design a spell with completely opposite functions. It is impossible to use this to prove that the other party is from the Illuminati.

But if it was just for suspicion, the doubts exposed by the other party would be enough for Xia Duo to identify the other party as an Illuminati.

Just identifying in private will not have any impact. Even if the other party is really the Illuminati, Xia Duo will not do anything to the other party immediately, so as not to alert the enemy.

If not, it would have no impact. Although Xia Duo is now suspicious, it has actually left an impression. If there is any suitable cooperation with the other party in the future, Xia Duo may give priority to the other party!

"Okay, let's go, nothing unusual!"

After reading the customer information, Xia Duo asked Niya to leave, but Nia stared at Xia Duo's eyes with suspicion and murmured, "No, no, you must be hiding something from me!"

Xia Duo was about to explain, but Niya waved her hand and said nonchalantly: "Forget it, I know that if the matter has something to do with me, you will definitely not hide it from me. Since it has nothing to do with me, then I I won’t ask anymore.”


Xia Duo breathed a long sigh of relief, but he didn't want Niya to show a sly expression again, "I guessed it right."

But after that, Niya did not continue to ask. Only then did Xia Duo truly breathe a sigh of relief. It was not that he did not want to tell Niya this, but that once more than one person knew about anything, it would no longer be the case. It's a secret.

His current doubts about his membership in the Illuminati and his doubts about their immediate plans only exist in his mind alone, which is his greatest advantage over the Illuminati.

Revealing it to the second person would risk exposure. After all, the opponents are a group of top prophets, and no one can tell how advanced their methods are.

There's no harm in being cautious.

As for the Illuminati already knowing his suspicions, there is nothing that can be done about it. This is reality and not entertainment. Shouldn't they just play the cards once they are revealed?

No matter what, it is Xia Duo's consistent principle to show leniency to the enemy.

The so-called vigorous battle itself was not what Xia Duo valued.

There is an old saying in my hometown - He who is good at fighting has no great achievements. It means thinking carefully before the war to make yourself invincible. It looks like you are fighting a smooth battle, relaxed and comfortable, anyone can do it.

But the various preparations before the war cannot be completed by just one person.

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