Arcane Lord

Chapter 196: Use me in the first battle (please vote!!)

After giving away the gifts, the celebration has come to an end, and the time is approaching dusk. Aibo's "rejuvenation" consumes the most time.

The last step of the celebration is the arcane competition. Sha Duo has been preparing for this for more than half a month, and now, the result is about to come!

Lord Epps waved his scepter, lighting up the surrounding area and reshaping the site, turning the southern half of the central square into an auditorium-like structure.

A row of seats rose up under the statue of the Grand Arcanist, which were the seats of the people who had arrived with the lord before. To the south was a diamond-shaped platform.

It is less than half a foot tall, with the two sharp corners of the rhombus pointing east and west, about ten meters apart.

To the south of the diamond-shaped platform are the soldiers maintaining order and a large number of local residents.

As for Xia Duo and others, they were divided into left and right groups. The guests are on the east side; the people from the Tower of Time are all on the west side. The official mages have seats, and the apprentices stand like ordinary people.

Today's protagonist, Eberk, presided over this arcane competition. He first introduced several important guests sitting under the statue of the Grand Arcanist, and then began to describe the process of this arcane competition.

It was at this time that Shado learned that the previous mysterious priest was a near-legendary arcanist, but more importantly, he came from the mysterious temple in the Iolum territory - the goddess of magic in Nese. The largest temple.

Generally speaking, people with this status are unlikely to appear in Savileland.

In addition to the mysterious priest, there is also Greta, the representative of Her Royal Highness, a female archmage, and Galvani, a student of the Grand Arcanist Brod, who is also an archmage.

There were two other people. Aibok only said they were archmages and did not introduce their backgrounds. However, since they were sitting in the same row as the three in front, their identities must not be simple.

At this moment, Sha Duo couldn't help but worry about the lord and Niya who were sitting with them. Sitting next to a group of archmages, even if it wasn't on pins and needles, it was still uncomfortable!

However, the sudden gathering of so many great mages in the Savile Territory made Xia Duo wary. What else can the Savile Territory attract at the moment, and who are the big figures behind them?

Large swaths of territory about to be developed?

It's possible, but not with so many people rushing together!

His status restricted Xia Duo's access to information. Even if he had a big brain, he would not be able to guess anything out of thin air. However, with so many important people paying attention to him, Xia Duo decided to perform well later.

Maybe there are great benefits hidden in this simplified version of the arcane competition!

On the other side, Aiboike was already introducing the rules. The official rules were similar to what Sha Duo learned from Niya before.

Among them, there are two points that have the greatest impact on Xia Duo——

One is that counterattack can only begin when the opponent's [Magic Missile] exceeds the midpoint, which is equivalent to reducing the counterattack time and making it more exciting;

Another is that there is a blessing magic circle on the field. As long as one party fails to counterattack successfully, even if it resists with [Mage Armor], it will bring spell combo effects to the opponent, making the opponent's next spell more powerful.

Forced both sides to counterattack as much as possible to succeed!

This is simply the nemesis of Xia Duo's shrinking tactics. Xia Duo's secret to victory is to cast more spells than others. Even if he fails to counterattack even once, he can just use [Mage Armor] to forcefully resist.

Hold on until the opponent loses the ability to cast spells, then let Xia Duo do whatever he wants.

But the spell combo just eliminated Xia Duo's strongest advantage. I really don't know who came up with it! In this way, we can really only compete in skills!

And technique happens to be Xia Duo's weakest aspect.

Now that the biggest escape route was gone, Xia Duo could only do his best. He subconsciously glanced at Niya who was sitting next to the lord. Although she looked nervous, she managed to hold on.

Xia Duo cheered up a little. As for other small changes, such as the magic circle dyeing the originally invisible magic missiles on both sides into different colors, suppressing magic items, and providing final protection, they were not worth mentioning.

"Tower of Time, Chateau!"

When Xia Duo heard Aibo call him, he immediately reacted. Unexpectedly, he was the first one to appear! But he didn't panic. With Aibo's arrangement, it would be impossible for the Tower of Time to lose as soon as it started!

In fact, just as he guessed, his opponent, a child who looked like an underage, walked up from the other side of the diamond-shaped battle stage.

"Pure white tower, Kim."

Hearing that it was a pure white tower, Sha Duo knew that the other party was from the Iolum Territory, as Aiboike had said before when he introduced the archmages.

The pure white tower was built by Iolum's student Grand Arcanist Brod, but he was not too worried. The other party became a mage at such a young age. He may be smart enough, but magic is not just about theory, but also about practice. .

Practical experience and skills all take time to hone, and Xia Duo feels that this one should be stable!

On the opposite platform, Xia Duo and Kim were about ten meters apart. After they stood still, they saluted each other.

After both of them had blessed [Mage Armor], Kim raised his voice slightly and shouted in his childish voice:

"Xia Duo, I know this is the first game in Tower of Time, but I won't let you go!"

Xia Duo couldn't help but find it funny. Although Kim's voice had a childish tone, he tried his best to sound mature, but what he said also convinced Xia Duo that this guy was really not that old.

Sha Duo did not speak, but responded with a spell. A magic missile dyed red by the opposing platform's magic circle, followed Sha Duo's guidance, whizzed towards Kim.

However, just after crossing the midpoint less than two meters, it quietly collapsed.

At the same time, Xia Duo also happened to counter the blue missile fired by the opponent, just about one meter past the midpoint of the two. It seemed that Xia Duo was slightly better in the first round.

"Don't be proud! Do it again!" Kim roared and fired another blue missile.

However, in Xia Duo's view, this was just a child showing his teeth and claws. This blue missile slid through the space, and the strings of the magic network that echoed along the way changed exactly the same as before, without even the slightest change.

There is no chance of doing this!

When the blue missile had just rushed out less than half a meter from the midpoint, Xia Duo dismantled all the strings of the magic network it had triggered, and the blue missile quietly dissipated.

Of course, Xia Duo's ability to make counter-magic so light and graceful is also based on his being very familiar with the [Magic Missile] spell and training it for a long time.

If the opponent uses an unfamiliar spell, it will not be so easy for him to counter it.

This round, Xia Duo only countered the opponent's spells and did not attack, because he did not know how many opponents he would have next. If he could save his spells as much as possible, he would try to save them.

However, Xia Duo's lack of attack angered Kim, and the spell counterattack just now seemed more like a mockery of him. Kim was a little unstable and began to become anxious.

I saw him mumbling something, and then the next blue missile actually took a long time to be launched, but unfortunately, the spell disintegrated before it passed the midpoint.

Kim was stunned for a moment, and her eyes gradually became moist, as if the golden peas were about to fall out at the next moment. Xia Duo was also stunned when he saw it.

He is indeed a child!

Shado did not taunt, but instead released a red missile that flew like Kim.

This time the magic missile has been slightly adjusted by Sha Duo. Although the macro spell structure has not changed, the specific spell casting elements have changed.

Only mages who have studied the principles of magic deeply can make similar changes. Those spellcasters who can only follow the instructions cannot make such an operation.

If Kim continues to follow the previous countermeasures, it is doomed to fail.

The sudden appearance of red missiles cheered Kim up, and it was obvious that he from the pure white tower could not be a simple spellcaster.

He successfully countered Shado's spell, but he didn't succeed until the red missile was close to him, and the wind brought by the missile blew up the fine hair on Kim's forehead.

This coolness also calmed Kim down. He did not continue to attack, but signaled to admit defeat. He had realized the gap between himself and Sha Duo.

However, although he admitted defeat, he did not think that he had always been inferior to Sha Duo. When leaving the opposite platform, Kim did not forget to challenge Sha Duo:

"Three years later, I will come to the Tower of Time to challenge you!"

After hearing "three years", Xia Duo, who was walking down from the opposite platform, suddenly felt a little weak in his legs. Why is this line so familiar!

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