A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

Chapter 570 I’m not a cat, don’t tease me

Xiao Yunyun was stunned while sitting in the taxi.

Yes, she went to the hotel to find Su Yunjin yesterday afternoon. Then, she was caught off guard and learned the fact that she was least willing to face in her life.

In fact, she could have questioned Su Yunjin sternly - for so many years, Su Yunjin and Xiao Guoshan had insisted that she was an only child, but why did he have a half-brother? Still Shen Yuechuan.

However, a family still has to enter one house after all. In order to take care of the overall situation, Xiao Yunyun must show the calmness she had when entering the operating room.

Xiao Yunyun quickly put away her bad mood and smiled easily: "Yes, I have something to say to you, so I went to find you. But I have been lying in bed for more than half an hour and you haven't said anything. When I get back, I’ll leave first.”

Su Yunjin was a little worried: "You have been waiting for me in the hotel room?"

"Well." Xiao Yunyun said casually, with a hint of disgust in her tone, trying to divert Su Yunjin's attention, "A hotel is a hotel after all, and besides the bedroom, it is the living room. A lazy person like me, besides lying down in the bedroom, can do anything else where to?"

Su Yunjin once suspected that Xiao Yunyun might have discovered Shen Yuechuan's information, but she could not hear any clues from Xiao Yunyun's tone.

Su Yunjin slowly relaxed and explained: "Something happened yesterday. I was out with a friend. Do you have anything important to do with me? Or... let me have dinner together at noon. Can you tell me?"

"I'm an intern doctor. I don't have time to go out and eat slowly at noon." Xiao Yunyun pretended to ponder for a moment, and then said seriously, "I'll tell you on the phone now that I have some time in a traffic jam."

Su Yunjin nodded: "That's fine."

"Actually, it's not a particularly important thing." Xiao Yunyun sighed in a dignified manner, "I just suddenly realized that what you said was right."

Su Yunjin found a place to sit down and asked carefully: "What did I say is right?"

"You said that I would not be happy with Shen Yuechuan." As she said that, Xiao Yunyun's tone became angry, "I have figured it out, he doesn't like me at all! He just thinks I'm new and makes me laugh. It’s just for fun, I didn’t even think about taking responsibility!”

Su Yunjin: "...So?"

"So I decided not to like him anymore!" Xiao Yunyun said arrogantly, and then said in a nonchalant tone, "Actually, if I think about it carefully, I may not like Shen Yuechuan. He looks so good. He is handsome, romantic, wealthy and flirty. He uses all the tricks to deal with girls. It is normal for me to be so aroused by him that my heart beat out of control. I admit that I am attracted to him, but in fact... I am far from liking him. Or the degree of love. Probably because I have never been in love before, I mistook this kind of heartbeat for love.

"Fortunately, I have figured it out now!"

Xiao Yunyun said a lot, and every sentence was what Su Yunjin wanted to hear. Each sentence was enough to make Su Yunjin let go of the guilt in her heart.

But just because of this, Su Yunjin became suspicious: "Yunyun, why did you suddenly think about it? Did you...discover something?"

"Huh? Mom, why did you ask me if I discovered something?" Xiao Yunyun raised her voice as if she had discovered a new world, "Oh! Are you hiding something from me?"

Xiao Yunyun was so relaxed and casual. Su Yunjin was not sure whether she had discovered Shen Yuechuan's life experience, so she had to deny it: "Have your mother hidden anything from you since you were so old? I'm just really curious, why do you suddenly think so?" ”

"The reason is actually very simple." Xiao Yunyun still said in an indifferent tone, "Mom, it's the 21st century now, and the education I received is not the education of your era. For our generation, feelings are It's like fast food. It's only for a short while. When you're tired of it, you can switch to another one at any time. True love and eternal vows are rare things."

Su Yunjin didn't quite agree with Xiao Yunyun's words, but she still said: "I'm glad you can figure it out." She rehearsed how to persuade Xiao Yunyun to give up Shen Yuechuan a hundred times in her mind, but Xiao Yunyun figured it out on her own and called Why is she unhappy?

"So you don't have to worry about me." Xiao Yunyun pretended to smile lightly, "Since Shen Yuechuan is just teasing me and I am not a cat, then I won't pay attention to him. But, mom, I was so I’m sorry for being excited to talk to you.”

Su Yunjin smiled: "You are still young, mother will not blame you."

"Thank you, Mom!" Xiao Yunyun said "Yeah!" with all her strength, "I'm at the hospital, Mom, I'll talk to you later!"

After saying that, without waiting for any response from Su Yunjin, Xiao Yunyun hung up the phone decisively, buried her face deeply in her knees, and let the tears that poured out crazily wet her palms.

She has lived for so many years and has only loved one person.

But fate was twisting her. She couldn't bear the consequences of being with this person, let alone push Su Yunjin and her father into the abyss of pain.

Therefore, it may be the best choice to pretend that she doesn't care anymore and let the farce between her and Shen Yuechuan end naturally as if it never happened.

"Girl, we haven't reached the hospital yet." The car was blocked in front of an intersection. The driver turned to look at Xiao Yunyun, "We are still far from the hospital..." Before he could finish his words, he suddenly realized that Xiao Yunyun had her head buried in her knees. On the bed, his shoulders were twitching, obviously he was crying.

The driver was stunned and confused for a moment: "Girl, are you okay?" The girl who had just spoken clearly and logically, why did she cry so quickly?

Xiao Yunyun didn't make a sound, sobbed a few times, then shook her head, indicating that she was fine: "Master, you don't have to worry about me."

There was clearly a heartbreaking frequency in her voice.

The driver more or less understood that nothing the girl had said to his mother on the phone was against her will, but after all, he was just a stranger and it was not easy to ask too many questions, so he could only send Xiao Yunyun to the hospital silently.

Along the way, Xiao Yunyun pursed her lips tightly, trying to prevent herself from crying no matter what. She forced herself to use the calmness and self-control she had when facing major surgery, and suppressed the feeling that her heart was being torn out by a knife. .

She was sad.

It was as if someone was trapped in a small space, and at the same time, something was hitting her heart hard. Not only was she unable to breathe, but her heart was even shaken by the impact.

But she couldn't let herself indulge in this feeling. She had to get out as soon as possible, otherwise she would not be able to hide it from the eyes of Su Yunjin and Shen Yuechuan.

Now, the only thing to be thankful for is that Su Yunjin is probably the only one who will take care of her feelings and won't tell her that Shen Yuechuan is her brother in a short time.

She at least still had some time to thoroughly digest this fact, and then pretended to be surprised but surprised when Shen Yuechuan's identity was revealed.

When she arrived at the hospital, Xiao Yunyun first went to the bathroom, washed her face thoroughly with water, then found cosmetics from her bag, and used a concealer pen to cover up the traces of her sleepless night.

After making sure that she could no longer find any loopholes, Xiao Yunyun put on a clean white coat and started working for the day.

Perhaps it was because of the professional qualities trained in medical school. When facing patients and various diseases, Xiao Yunyun was able to forget personal matters, forget all pain and forbearance, and forget Shen Yuechuan.

So when she got off work, Xiao Yunyun took the initiative to change shifts with her colleagues on the night shift.

The word "night shift" is like a curse. It is a kind of torture for every doctor and nurse. If someone is willing to change shifts, it is simply pie in the sky.

A colleague asked Xiao Yunyun unexpectedly: "Why do you want to change shifts with me? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine today, but I have something to do tomorrow." Xiao Yunyun made a random excuse, "But I can't rest tomorrow, so I have to change shifts with you."

"Hey, what's going on tomorrow?" the young colleague asked ambiguously, "Tell me the truth, are you going on a date with the handsome guy who ordered us breakfast last time, eh?"

Xiao Yunyun subconsciously stopped her colleague from talking any more and pretended to be unhappy: "Where did you come from with so much nonsense? If you want to change it or not, give me a one-word answer!"

"Change!" The colleague happily took off his white coat, "Then I will go home first and bring you breakfast when I come tomorrow!"

Xiao Yunyun actually didn't have any expectations for the so-called tomorrow. She didn't go to the hospital restaurant for dinner. She stayed in the office for a while and looked at the patient's information. Finally, she began to cooperate with the superior doctor to start the night shift.

The night shift is very tiring, especially if you didn't get a good rest last night. But no matter how tired she is, Xiao Yunyun must muster 100% energy to deal with every patient's problem.

In this way, Xiao Yunyun really got her wish, and she had no spare time to think about Shen Yuechuan. I'll probably get a good night's sleep when I go back tomorrow!

Xiao Yunyun comforted herself and said: Awesome!

Early the next morning, when my colleague rushed to the hospital with breakfast, he was frightened by the dark circles under Xiao Yunyun's eyes. He quickly stuffed the soy milk buns into Xiao Yunyun's hands: "Looking at how exhausted you are, you must be exhausted. Eat something quickly and go back to sleep.”

"I have no appetite, you can eat." Xiao Yunyun took off her white coat and put on her bag, "I'm going to get off work first."

After returning home, she simply took a shower and washed her face with water. Then Xiao Yunyun threw herself on the bed and fell asleep within half a minute.

Exhausting your physical energy to the extreme is really helpful for falling asleep.

But obviously, this method does more harm than good.

Although she fell asleep, Xiao Yunyun's sleep was never very deep, and some strange scenes kept appearing in front of her eyes.

After careful identification, she recognized that those scenes were on the island newly developed by Lu's family.

The difference is that this time, there are only two people on the island, she and Shen Yuechuan.

Sunshine, beach, and the person you love most - these words just sound so comfortable.

But subconsciously, there was a voice telling Xiao Yunyun that none of this was true, and that there was no possibility for her and Shen Yuechuan.

Finally, Xiao Yunyun woke up from a nightmare. The mobile phone in her bag was ringing. She took it out and saw that the caller was Qin Han...

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