The intern's office was small, and was kept neat and tidy by a few little girls. The faint smell of disinfectant filled the air, and pale lights shrouded it from the ceiling, making everything spotless.

In the eyes of ordinary people, such an environment may be too lifeless.

But for medical students like Xiao Yunyun, this means that it is dust-free and sterilized, and this is true cleanliness and tidiness.

Although it is a bit unusual, it cannot be denied that this environment makes them feel relaxed and happy.

There is no need for people who don’t understand to make fun of them. Girls like Xiao Yunyun often laugh at themselves. Other girls don’t eat rabbits, but they treat rabbits as experimental subjects. They are cold-blooded animals with capital letters.

But at this moment, looking at Shen Yuechuan sitting in front of the computer, Xiao Yunyun suddenly felt that this place was actually not so cold and pale.

Shen Yuechuan didn't know when he took off his suit jacket, and his tie was loosened by him, hanging casually on his collar. His whole person exuded an indescribable laziness.

But his expression was serious, and his dark eyes were staring at the computer screen, as sharp as an eagle soaring under the blue sky, as if no loopholes in his work could escape his eyes.

One-third of his face was hidden behind the computer screen, and Xiao Yunyun automatically pictured the way he pursed his lips at the moment, so focused that it made you want to kiss him to see if his attention would be distracted.

However, his whole face appeared in her mind, and Xiao Yunyun suddenly didn't want to disturb him.

What's wrong with just quietly admiring his focused and handsome look and breathing the air with him here?

Thinking about it, Xiao Yunyun rested her chin on the pillow in her arms, her eyes never moving away from the two thirds of Shen Yuechuan's face.

Shen Yuechuan's work efficiency is very high, but this sudden workload is quite heavy. He stared at the computer intently for more than half an hour and only processed less than one third of it.

He has a habit of stretching his sore shoulders and neck during his breaks from work.

This time, when the webpage was refreshed, he twisted his neck out of habit and noticed Xiao Yunyun's gaze. When he looked over, Xiao Yunyun did not avoid it.

There was a smile in Shen Yuechuan's eyes: "Didn't I tell you to rest?"

"I..." Xiao Yunyun wanted to say that she was not sleepy, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she yawned hugely. She simply stopped talking and went to the sofa, "I'm going to sleep now!"

Shen Yuechuan set the computer to mute and said "Hmm": "Go to sleep, good night." His tone was like coaxing his little girlfriend.

Xiao Yunyun spread out a blanket before covering her body, then raised her head and looked at Shen Yuechuan: "What about you? How long will you be busy?"

Shen Yuechuan made a rough calculation: "An hour or so." He raised the corners of his lips with a smile full of doting, "Don't worry, I won't leave."

Xiao Yunyun felt awkward for a while, and pulled the blanket to wrap herself up: "I'm not worried that you will leave!" After saying that, she closed her eyes and entered sleep mode.

She heard that every doctor fantasizes about his or her first night shift.

Someone prayed that the place could be calmed down, that no unclean things would come out to cause trouble, and that the first night would be spent peacefully.

The bolder ones clamored that if they could admit a few patients at once, it would be best if they were so busy that they could perform several surgeries at the same time!

Xiao Yunyun never thought that her first night shift would be like this, with the person she liked staying with her while she slept on the sofa with a blanket.

If you tell me, you might be able to win back a wave of envious voices.

Thinking about it, Xiao Yunyun's thoughts slowly became blurry. Finally, the remaining blur disappeared and she fell into a deep sleep.

Shen Yuechuan noticed that the office had become quiet and looked away from the computer screen. Sure enough, Xiao Yunyun had fallen asleep.

He finished the last bit of work as quickly as possible, turned off the computer, and quietly walked to the sofa.

When Xiao Yunyun was sleeping, she looked like a hedgehog who had taken off his armor. His whole body had become docile and soft, and he was infinitely more lovable than the sharp-tongued person he looked during the day.

However, the dead girl was just eloquent to him. In front of outsiders, she was just an ignorant little girl.

She was not bad looking and looked so easy to deceive, so many people in the hospital must have had thoughts about her.

In this case, why didn't he take this opportunity to spread some scandal and let the people in the hospital know that she was "stupid and married"?

Just as Shen Yuechuan was thinking, Xiao Yunyun, who was lying on the sofa, suddenly moved and the blanket covering her slipped down.

Shen Yuechuan caught the blanket, put it back on Xiao Yunyun, tucked the corners for her, and then sat down on the sofa next to her.

The sofa next to it was for two people and could not accommodate Shen Yuechuan's tall figure of 185+. He did not lie down, but just leaned on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes.

After a day of work, a social event in the evening, and several hours of overtime work, Shen Yuechuan looked like he was fine, but in fact he was exhausted. As soon as he sat down, he fell into a deep sleep like Xiao Yunyun. .

For the first half of the night, everything was normal.

At around two o'clock in the middle of the night, an alarm bell suddenly rang in the office.

Shen Yuechuan was always alert and opened his eyes as soon as he heard a sound. Just as he turned off the alarm, there was another urging knock on the door.

He got up and opened the door. When the nurse saw him, she was stunned for a moment before she realized: "Where is Yunyun?"

"Sleeping." Shen Yuechuan looked back at Xiao Yunyun, who was lying on the sofa. She was obviously sleeping soundly. He looked at the nurse displeased, "What do you want to do with her?"

"Big deal!" The nurse almost cried. "There was a series of car accidents in front of the hospital. More than 20 injured people were all sent to our hospital. Let Yunyun go to the emergency room to help!"

After saying that, the nurse disappeared like a gust of wind.

Shen Yuechuan realized that the matter was serious and went back to call Xiao Yunyun, but Xiao Yunyun was so asleep that there was no response after he called several times.

Finally, Shen Yuechuan patted Xiao Yunyun's cheek: "In a series of car accidents, a large number of injured people were sent to the emergency room of your hospital, saying they need your help."

Xiao Yunyun, who was still asleep a second ago, suddenly opened her eyes: "What?"

Shen Yuechuan repeated the nurse's words. Xiao Yunyun made a loud noise, pulled off the blanket, pulled on her white coat, and ran out. She even put on the white coat while running.

Shen Yuechuan chased after him: "Do you need to rush like this?"

"For emergencies, time is life." Xiao Yunyun poked the downstairs button of the elevator, and she was completely awake as if she hadn't fallen asleep at all just now. "You go back to my office and stay there. There are so many patients, and the operation may not be possible." Gotta do it tomorrow morning.”

As soon as Xiao Yunyun finished speaking, the elevator arrived. Shen Yuechuan followed her flexibly into the elevator: "Don't you need me to accompany you?"

"Are you kidding?" Xiao Yunyun looked at Shen Yuechuan with an expression that said she couldn't laugh, "I want to go into the operating room, how can you accompany me? Also, the emergency department must be a mess now, don't go there, go back to the office have a rest."

This was Xiao Yunyun's territory and profession. Shen Yuechuan decided to listen to Xiao Yunyun: "If you need any help, please contact me at any time."

The elevator dinged, signaling the arrival of the first floor. Xiao Yunyun nodded at Shen Yuechuan, then ran out of the elevator and rushed towards the emergency department.

Shen Yuechuan did not follow him out. He just pressed the elevator door button and watched Xiao Yunyun's figure in a white coat disappear from sight before letting go and letting the elevator door slowly close.

He doesn't have much interest in so-called uniforms and the like.

However, Xiao Yunyun, wearing a white coat and rushing to save lives, does have an unparalleled beauty.

Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, Shen Yuechuan suddenly stretched out his hand to block it, and the stainless steel door slowly slid open. He stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the emergency room.

As Xiao Yunyun said, the emergency department was a mess.

In a series of car accidents, there were both minor and serious injuries. Some were sent directly to the operating room and required consultation by doctors from multiple departments. Some of the injuries were relatively minor and were waiting in the general surgery department for debridement and bandaging.

In the huge emergency department, the sounds of the operating table's wheels rubbing against the floor, the groans of the injured due to pain, and the orders of medical staff giving out rescue instructions were all mixed together, like a war without smoke.

For the first time, Shen Yuechuan felt that death was far away from ordinary people, but also very close.

Life is much stronger and much more fragile than human imagination.

"The injured patient has a large blood vessel injury and needs consultation from the cardiac surgery teacher!" The new patient was pushed in from the door, and a doctor from an unknown department shouted loudly, "Where is Dr. Liang?"

"Dr. Liang is in operating room No. 6. He can't leave!" Xiao Yunyun ran out of nowhere.

All the doctors on night shift in the cardiac surgery department have entered the operating room. Only Xiao Yunyun, an intern who is not qualified to hold a scalpel, is still free.

"Call your director!" The chief surgeon pulled Xiao Yunyun over, "Until your director rushes over, Yunyun, this patient is yours to take care of!"

Xiao Yunyun, an intern who has not yet passed the qualification certificate, has always been an assistant in the operating room. She usually only does some work to assist superior doctors to gain experience.

However, on her first night shift, the surgery teacher just gave her a patient.

She has no confidence that she can make the right judgment at the first time and make the best choice for the patient like an experienced doctor.

Before she could flinch, Xiao Yunyun saw Shen Yuechuan standing in the corridor.

Among a group of embarrassed injured people and all wearing white coats, Shen Yuechuan, who was neatly dressed and tall and slender, stood out from the crowd. He looked at her with a smile full of affirmation in his eyes.

Shen Yuechuan obviously didn't say anything, but Xiao Yunyun just felt that he was encouraging her.

However, she obviously shouldn't need encouragement.

Although she is still just an intern, she has already been an intern in a hospital as early as medical school. Even if she does not have rich experience, she still has a solid theoretical foundation.

After understanding the patient's basic condition, he learned through so many years of hard work to tell her how to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunyun no longer hesitated or felt anxious, helped push the hospital bed, and entered the operating room without looking back.

Shen Yuechuan looked at Xiao Yunyun's back, smiled, and turned back to the inpatient department of the cardiac surgery department.

That's right, he didn't plan to accompany Xiao Yunyun outside the operating room.

Xiao Yunyun is working now, and he will also have his own work tomorrow.

Xiao Yunyun is so dedicated to his work, he should also be well prepared for tomorrow's work.

The best preparation is to rest for a few hours and store energy for tomorrow.

Shen Yuechuan did not deny that he liked the feeling of looking at each other with Xiao Yunyun and each working hard for himself.

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