A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

Chapter 497 Shen Yuechuan loses consciousness

After getting in the car, Xu Youning breathed a sigh of relief.

After struggling so hard, she should have completely gained Kang Ruicheng's trust, right?

That's right, before the auction started, when he received a call from Kang Ruicheng to change his mind, Xu Youning had already realized that Kang Ruicheng did not fully trust her. But she pretended that she didn't find anything, and came back with a letter of intent to purchase the land angrily.

Then, he showed frustration and frustration in front of Kang Ruicheng. After "accidentally" discovered that Kang Ruicheng was taking advantage of her, she was shocked and angry because of Kang Ruicheng's distrust.

From frustration to anger, it was all a scene she directed and performed for Kang Ruicheng. Her goal was simple - to gain Kang Ruicheng's absolute trust.

Judging from Kang Ruicheng's reaction just now, she succeeded.

However, she also completely lost Lu Boyan's trust.

Although she couldn't understand why Shen Yuechuan didn't increase the price to Lu's highest price during the bidding, the fact that Shen Yuechuan didn't blindly raise the price was enough to show that Lu Boyan didn't completely believe her text message, at least when bidding. Shen Yuechuan was wary of her.

The purpose of her text message was to hint to Lu Boyan that she was actually on their side. She wanted to gain Lu Boyan's trust, but unfortunately failed.

In the future, if she wants to regain Lu Boyan's trust, she may have to find an opportunity to confess to Lu Boyan.

Confess that she loves Musijue.

She confessed that she knew the murderer of her grandmother was actually Kang Ruicheng.

She confessed that she knew the "truth" about her grandmother's death was a conspiracy set up by Kangruicheng, and she pretended to fall into the trap designed by Kangruicheng, pretended to treat Mu Sijue as an sworn enemy, and pretended to return to Kangruicheng to deal with Mu Sijue. Sijue.

In fact, she came back to deal with Kang Ruicheng and avenge her grandmother, and she paid a lot to come back.

First, he pretended to believe that Mu Sijue was the murderer of his grandmother, went to the club to make a fuss with Mu Sijue, and revealed in front of a group of subordinates that she was an undercover agent, forcing Mu Sijue to lock her up. Orders were given to deal with her.

All this was planned by her to force Mu Sijue to cooperate with her invisibly and show it to Kang Ruicheng. She wanted Kang Ruicheng to believe that she had broken up with Mu Sijue.

Then she waited for an opportunity to escape from the basement, returned to Kangruicheng in a sad and embarrassed state, and told Kangruicheng how much she hated Mu Sijue.

It's a pity that she made a miscalculation. The underground floor hidden in Club No. 1 was designed by Mu Sijue himself. Even she could not escape from that watertight place.

Fortunately, Aguang let her go.

On the plane from City C to City A, Xu Youning had already planned everything. He first gained Kang Ruicheng's trust, and then secretly contacted Lu Boyan, hinting to Lu Boyan that she knew everything. Then, she and Lu Boyan cooperated internally and externally, and it was only a matter of time before Kangruicheng was solved.

As for what will happen to her and what she will do after all this is over, she has no time to think about it.

However, now that there is a time bomb in her brain, she shouldn't... need to think too much about the future.

Her future may never come, and no matter how much she thinks about it, it will be in vain.

So far, what really surprised Xu Youning was that she was self-defeating and completely gained Kang Ruicheng's trust, but completely lost Lu Boyan's trust.

The best way to describe this day is as bittersweet as it was bittersweet.

Thinking of this, Xu Youning stepped on the accelerator suddenly, and the car suddenly accelerated, galloping like a cheetah on the suburban road.

When she returned to the Kang family's old house, Shen Yuechuan also returned to his apartment in the city center.

Because of the brief but intimate contact with Xu Youning just now, Shen Yuechuan's mood rose inexplicably, so when the cell phone in his pocket rang, he answered the call almost without hesitation.

"Hey, I discovered something very interesting! Do you want to guess what it is? By the way, I'll give you a hint, it has something to do with you!" A smiling voice came from the receiver.

"I don't have time to guess." Shen Yuechuan stepped into the elevator and said nonchalantly, "You can either tell me directly or hang up the phone. Damn you, do you believe that I will throw you to the Antarctic to be played by penguins?"

“Well, let me tell you straight – someone is checking your details!”

Shen Yuechuan paused as he pressed the floor: "Who? What information are you checking on me?"

"My first reaction was that we are our opponents, but then I traced the IP and found that it was a private detective digging into your information. What's more interesting is that he is not interested in the trade secrets you control. He seems to I want to check your detailed experience from birth to present day."

Shen Yuechuan had a vague premonition in his heart, but his tone remained unconcerned: "Who is so boring?"

"Hahaha..." The person on the other end of the phone laughed a few times, "Your future mother-in-law!"

Shen Yuechuan's eyebrows frowned slightly: "Speak humanly!"

"In human terms, we investigated the people who had been in contact with the detective in the past few days, and finally found that the person investigating you is Ms. Su Yunjin - Xiao Yunyun's mother - the best candidate for your future mother-in-law!"

The bad premonition formed a whirlpool, and Shen Yuechuan fell into it without warning.

In the eyes of others, Su Yunjin investigated his information because he regarded him as a son-in-law candidate.

But reason told him that if Su Yunjin really wanted to hand Xiao Yunyun over to him, she should not investigate his information like this, but should investigate his family background, education, work experience, emotional experience, etc.

Investigating his upbringing, I was particularly interested in his childhood, which was completely unexplainable.

Growing up, Shen Yuechuan would not worry too much even if he encountered something that could not be solved, because he knew that in the end, he would always find a way.

But this unexplainable thing made him uneasy.

"Hey, Brother Sichuan, Brother Sanjo, why are you silent?" This subordinate usually has a good relationship with Shen Yuechuan, and he is particularly bold when making jokes about Shen Yuechuan, "Are you happy? Do you want me to go and take your Change your life experience to be more serious and rich, so that your future mother-in-law can trust you and give her daughter to you?"

"Listen carefully." Shen Yuechuan said solemnly, "Don't alert the snake and let them investigate. However, I want to know what Xiao Yunyun's mother will do after getting my detailed information."

"What can I do? Give you a score or something."

Shen Yuechuan didn't say anything and hung up the phone.

He hoped that Su Yunjin was checking his information to give him a score, but his intuition told him that things might not be as simple as he thought.

Just as he was bored, he suddenly remembered on his cell phone that Shen Yuechuan thought he was still the annoying subordinate. He answered the phone and ordered in a not so good tone: "Say what you have to say at once!"

"..." There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, "I asked someone to check the medical records of the Eighth People's Hospital, and there is no name of Xu Youning."

With this calm voice and calm demeanor in the face of danger, where is that annoying subordinate?

Shen Yuechuan looked at the caller ID, which seemed to show "big boss".

"Sorry, I thought it was Liu Yang." He let out a sigh of relief, "It's impossible for Xu Youning to use his real name when he goes to the hospital. Have you checked for forged identity information?"

"Can't find it." Lu Boyan said, "There are two possibilities now. Xiao Yunyun is not sick, or his condition is too serious to let anyone know."

Shen Yuechuan clicked his tongue: "If it is the last possibility, tell Mu Qi, and then tell Mu Qi that Xu Youning has always known that the murderer of her grandmother was Kang Ruicheng, and she returned to Kang Ruicheng for revenge. Mu Qi probably You will go crazy in an instant.”

Lu Boyan was not interested in Shen Yuechuan's hypothesis and asked, "How are you seeing Xu Youning today?"

"Proud and indifferent, he looks very good." After a pause, Shen Yuechuan added, "Also, Dr. Xiao, a quasi-doctor in the cardiac surgery department, said it himself that Xu Youning does not look sick."

Lu Boyan frowned: "Am I overthinking?"

"Even if you guessed it right, it's not our turn to worry about Xu Youning's illness." Shen Yuechuan entered the password to verify his fingerprints, and the door to the suite opened. After he entered, he took out a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet, "For now, tomorrow See."

After saying that, Shen Yuechuan hung up the phone and bent down to take off his shoes when he suddenly felt dizzy. He subconsciously held on to the shoe cabinet and tried to stand up straight.

However, the strength in his body seemed to have been lost. He could not straighten up at all. A wave of fatigue enveloped him so densely that he could hardly even take a step. In the end, he could only hold on to the wall and walk step by step towards the living room.

Finally, he fell on the sofa in the living room, his eyelids gradually became heavy, and his consciousness slowly withdrew from his brain.

This feeling is like dying.

In the end, the person who came to his mind was Xiao Yunyun.

Shen Yuechuan laboriously unlocked the screen of his mobile phone, and just called up Xiao Yunyun's number. Before he had time to dial, his whole body was swallowed up by darkness and he completely lost consciousness.

Century Hotel.

As soon as Su Yunjin returned to the hotel, she received news from Mr. Zhou. Mr. Zhou sent some information, which were some important events during Shen Yuechuan's university years and his work experience after graduating from university.

"Ms. Su, Shen Yuechuan has a special status. In order not to alarm him, I must be careful. This is the only complete information that can be found at present." Mr. Zhou told Su Yunjin on the phone, "Shen Yuechuan's life from childhood to high school In the United States, and since Lu Boyan intends to protect his information, it may be more difficult to investigate, but we will do it as soon as possible."

"What I want is the information about his childhood." Su Yunjin emphasized sternly, "Mr. Zhou, what I want is not that you will do it as soon as possible, but that you must do it as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

Mr. Zhou seemed stunned for a moment: "I understand."

Only then did Su Yunjin realize that her tone had been too harsh. She apologized to Mr. Zhou and then hung up the phone.

She was not that aggressive person, but she had to make sure as soon as possible whether Shen Yuechuan was the person she was looking for.

Otherwise, it will be too late.

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